
Still More Video Blues

Been at the office all afternoon trying to export an hour-long video from Final Cut Pro, so I can bring it into iDVD, in order to have a disc master ready to send out tomorrow (for a project that’s been repeatedly put off since last year). And no matter what I do (at a minimum of half an hour per export attempt, plus two hours for MPEG-2 encoding), the file gets corrupted. Tonight, Pam and I were supposed to be celebrating our ninth wedding anniversary — postponed since the actual date of April 30 already; I guess we’ll try for next weekend.

In the meantime, I give up. I’m going home. Can’t say this was all a waste of time — since there wasn’t going to be something miraculous on Monday that would have prevented all these glitches — but I still feel like crap. I’ll let this latest attempt run overnight and try to pick it up in the morning. But for those of you who’ll see me tomorrow, please forgive a little crankiness.


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