
Another Mad Scramble

It’s travel time once again. Now it’s off to Nashville, for part two of our little video junket. And kindly offering to help Ginny out on part three, Atlanta, is Athena Meyers. Athena was actually our first video intern, but hasn’t had a chance to do much lately, having segued into more managerial responsibilities. Still, it’ll be nice to have someone there who knows what she’s doing.

Alas, I had to book a flight out of Dulles this time, so even though it doesn’t leave until around five, I’ve got to get out of here right around... well, now. They’ve supposedly got a new “daily rate” parking garage out there, but I ain’t counting on getting anything better than satellite parking.

I’ve also put in for a corporate credit card — which should arrive just in time for me to be done with this spate of travel. Oh, well.


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