The Latest Updates on Our Criminal-in-Chief
First of all, here’s the memo (PDF format), or at least as much of it as The Wall Street Journal has put online. Also required reading are the Post stories indicating the memo was more “akin to a legally binding document” than mere advice, and direct allegations tying the Abu Ghraib torture to the White House; a quick rundown of the various memos on the topic courtesy of The New York Times (some seriously scary shit); and the editorials from the Post (“Theirs is the logic of criminal regimes, of dictatorships around the world that sanction torture on grounds of ‘national security.’ ”), the New York Times (“...the administration has mounted a ‘Wizard of Oz’ defense, urging Americans not to pay attention to inconvenient evidence.”), and the L.A. Times (“...the words of out-of-control government servants willing to discard the most fundamental values of this nation.”).
Somehow I doubt they’re gonna be able to sweep this one under the rug. Especially since the War Crimes Act of 1996 — one of those terribly inconvenient laws little George was trying to get around — carries the death penalty.
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