
Shows You What the Rumor Mill Knows

Okay, so Clement is out, and Roberts is in.

Certainly further to the right than Clement, but still likely out of the “extraordinary circumstances” range. There are still a lot of questions to be answered (particularly with regard to his explicitly anti-Roe v. Wade, pro-school prayer, and outlawing flag-burning arguments), but it’s still looking like the Dems — while opposing the nomination — will stop short of filibustering it.

The one big caveat out there is the outright celebration on the part of the wingnuts. What do they know that the rest of us don’t?

But barring any sudden revelations, I think we’re left at a point where I won’t be praising the regime for this choice, but probably not heaping condemnation either (that I’ll leave to the real activists).

Joel Achenbach’s got a fun little analysis of the nomination, but if you want a real laugh, check out the comments, in which none-too-bright folks — on both sides of the aisle — completely fail to grasp that Achenbach’s a satirist.

And no, I wasn’t glued to my television last night. On the one hand, I make it a point to avoid anything the Tsar says, and on the other, I was out with the family (along with a party of coworkers) at the kids’ first baseball game. A much better way to spend an evening.


At 4:52 PM, Lois said...

I would not be too distraught if Roberts gets in. Republicans have picked 7 of the last 9 Supreme Court justices and the Republicans are so stupid there still is a liberal majority on the court. We are fortunate to have liberals in the courts to uphold all the spending and good that the government does on our behalf. If we can get a Democrat in the presidency we could do much better by increasing spending at much higher levels. The only way to reduce poverty in this country is massive government spending and intervention. The power to tax is the power to create. The power to spew justice to eliminate all injustice.

At 4:55 PM, Lois said...

I would not be too distraught if Roberts gets in. Republicans have picked 7 of the last 9 Supreme Court justices and the Republicans are so stupid there still is a liberal majority on the court. We are fortunate to have liberals in the courts to uphold all the spending and good that the government does on our behalf. If we can get a Democrat in the presidency we could do much better by increasing spending at much higher levels. The only way to reduce poverty in this country is massive government spending and intervention. The power to tax is the power to create. The power to spew justice to eliminate all injustice.

At 5:51 PM, Bill Coughlan said...

What I find particularly amusing is that the above-posted wingnut (anonymous, naturally) apparently believes that I’m as mind-bogglingly stupid as the operators of the sites “she” usually frequents. (I put “she” in quotes since, though I do readily accept that the poster lacks male genitalia, statistical odds favor the poster’s technically being designated as male.)

Of course, I suppose I’m not really all that surprised, as the IQ among the Internet-wingnut set usually hovers around room temperature.

Listen, “Lois,” you want to come here and argue conservative ideology intelligently, you’re more than welcome to. I regularly take heat from conservatives who can actually argue a point beyond your fourth-grade education. Or hell, if you want to debate the merits of Road Runner ’net access versus Verizon. Or Windows XP versus MacOS. In the words of your imperious leader, “Bring it on.”

But trying to do so by concocting some lame faux-liberal tirade — and thinking you’re doing so anonymously, no less — is just pathetic.

I don’t know what kind of debate you’re used to up in Columbus, Ohio, but here in Washington, we can pretty much hold our own.

At 11:20 AM, Bill Coughlan said...

Of course, in hindsight, I’ve come to believe that “Lois” is merely a satirist seeing how quickly I’ll jump into another furious tirade (after all, it’s hard to believe she’s quite that simple-minded).

And in a post where I specifically made note of the failure of some to recognize satire, no less.

Touché, Lois. You got me. It seems my quickness to anger has gotten the better of me once again.


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