
My Ever-Longer Absences

Wow, I’ve really let this slide here. Between last week’s art show, and this coming weekend’s National Film Challenge — not to mention that whole “day job” thing — I just haven’t had the time to write. Well, that’s not entirely true. It’s more that I haven’t been particulary inspired to write.

And when I do get to the whole blogging thing, I tend to spend more time helping edit Pam’s MotherReader site, which is really taking off. Who would have thought that in less than a year, MotherReader would become such a popular and influential kid-lit blog?

In any case, the art show went really well — it seemed like I had a whole wing there, thanks to all of my ambigrams — and the NFC effort is really shaping up. Pam’s going to be producing again (after her successful effort for “Close Quarters”), Bjorn Munson is helping me out as another Executive Producer, Adam’s back as D.P., Ginny’s doing an assortment of editing jobs, Larry Contratti is writing, Brian Wilbur Grundstrom is composing music (with additional musical resources available from John Maestri and Jake Reid), and we’ve got a pretty stellar cast (with no shortage of actresses this time around).

But in any case, I suspect there won’t be a lot of updates here until it’s all over. Just got too much prep work to do.


At 1:15 PM, Andrew said...

Just got too much prep work to do.

I thought we finished that circa 1986.

At 11:28 PM, Daniel said...

Who would have thought that in less than a year, MotherReader would become such a popular and influential kid-lit blog?

Because your wife rocks, you idiot.


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