
And Now... Codeword Secret

Well, a trailer, anyway. And hosted by MSN Video — which naturally means it’s buggy, and may or may not be visible on a Mac (for my part, I have yet to get the audio to work properly). Gotta love Microsoft...

In any case, if you look closely, you can see me (in my role as a CIA agent extra) ducking in panic as Johnny Newman swings his “ray gun” around wildly. And if you’re particularly intrigued, you can check out some behind-the-scenes photos here.

As I mentioned before, the show will be premiering at the New York Television Festival on Friday, September 7th (and showing again on Saturday, September 8th). The comedy troupe (comprising several members of the Codeword Secret team) will be performing on Thursday, September 6th. And as if that weren’t incentive enough, all the tickets are free! So if you’re in the area, be sure to give it a look!

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