Just a little update to the page’s look today, to more accurately reflect the design scheme of the parent site,
coughlan.us. Not that the site has much more than a splash page and a basic navigation structure set up, but I’ve had that much sitting around just waiting to be hosted. Now that I’ve got at least a
redirect to my old
Geocities site, I figured it was about time to upload what I had. Any comments or criticism are certainly welcome.
I’m just as likely as not to ignore it, but I welcome it anyway...
Are you running your own cult? What in the hee-haw is the Promethean Roundtable? I am so scared!
But the bare bones of your site looks nice. I like the new color scheme on your blog. I need to ask you how you added the "commenting" portion to your blog. Geoff wants me to add that to mine.
Of course I’m running my own cult. All the cool kids are doing it. This surprises you exactly... how?
And the commenting is courtesy of
enetation — I sprang for the pro service (which adds things like notification of messages and eliminates ads), but they have a free service as well. It’s really easy to set up (I set up Dan’s “
From the Marble Bar” ’blog through them as well); if you need help, just ask.
And that reminds me: I still have to fix the comment template to match the new color scheme...
Hare Krishnas? Where are the Hare Krishnas?
Doot-doo. (Inside joke, there, folks.)
Very nice, Bill. I like the new colors -- very 1950s modern. Swanky.
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